Saturday, August 23

Day 42: The best food ever.

The other day I took one of those online surveys where they pay you for your input. They asked me my favorite food, but I couldn't answer honestly because "Japanese food" wasn't on there.

Friday, August 22

Day 41: Bad Hair Day #1

My hair looked so unbelievably shitty today.

Thursday, August 21

Day 40: The start of house work.

For some reason I'd always thought it would take longer to work on a house. I guess I was wrong.

Wednesday, August 20

Day 39: Artiste. Or something.

I want to start doing outline drawings--like the ones in the book I just bought. So I keep looking at things lately and wondering "what would this look like if I were to do a simple outline sketch?" I believe a rocket pop would be rather easy to draw.

Tuesday, August 19

Day 38: All God's Children Can Dance.

I'm well on my way to finishing all of Murakami Haruki's books! Three down, 320597203579203 to go!

Monday, August 18

Day 37: A day without caffine.

Green tea in ice is probably the most refreshing summer drink ever.

Sunday, August 17

Day 36: Lantern Lighting Festival.

There were some people at the festival this year with Arashi uchiwas. Seriously? I lol'd. And then sad-faced because when I had been into JE there'd been no one at the fair to talk to. WTF god?!