Saturday, May 10

Day 8: Furniture Shopping

New bedside table. Now I need a lamp.

Friday, May 9

Day 7: Evil Cats

At the moment I have this face cleanser on that makes my skin feel like it's made out of stone. Like if I were to smile, my head would shatter into a million pieces. It's kind of crazy. And uncomfortable.

Thursday, May 8

Day 6: Eating Babies

Ed Westwick is a sexy motherfucker.

Tuesday, May 6

Day 4: Sleeping at the Office

Today, some things were fixed, some things felt like they fell apart, I drank lots of tea, ate cupcakes, and watched the best Gossip Girl episode of the season. I don't think I've ever been so ecstatic about a character coming out of the closet before in my life.

Monday, May 5

Day 3: Work

The view from the parking ramp we use every day on the way home from work. It was truly a glorious site today. Work felt like it lasted days over a year.